Swimming with sharks

Vincent Canabalt is a man  like many others who enjoy as being washed into the sea, but unlike ordinary people he is alwayes accompanied by some white sharks  that are known as the most dangerous sharks of humans.

These photos of 34-year-old, made by ​​the Bahamas  photographer Michael Patrick O'Neill, who explains his work.
"Even though they are scary, sharks generally do not approach people. You have to be careful to swim slowly and without flapping feet. Also you d,ont need to go in their direction when they feel threatened and attacked. "
Since 2011 the Bahamas shark fishing is not allowed and these waters have become a sanctuary for 40 of them. Now these sharks are a tourist attraction and many divers come to "meet"them at any time of the year.


German girl with waist 40cm

For many women, a slim waist is the result of diet and exercise, but not for Michele Kobke.

24-year-old German has narrowed her waist from 60 cm to 40 cm only wearing a corset every day for three consecutive years.

But, although already has a waist thinner than models of footbridges, Michele seeks to narrow the other 2 cm to equalize Cathie Jung Americana record.


Eiffel Tower becomes musical tool for New York composer

(Reuters) - Star of songs, sketches and the silver screen for over a hundred years, the Eiffel Tower is now taking the lead role in a musical composition which will see the landmark speak for itself.

The structure is an instrument for a piece to be entitled "Tower music" - a project conceived by U.S.
composer Joseph Bertolozzi.
With latex mallets, drumsticks and even a large log wrapped in lambs wool in his box of tricks, Bertolozzi moves all over the 324-metre tower, hitting its surfaces with varying intensity and recording the sounds produced.
The idea is to weave them together, creating chords and melodies over a percussion base.
Bertolozzi's team have collected since May 27 nearly 2,000 samples from the iron structure's railings, panels and girders.
The 54 year-old who lives in New York, told Reuters on Friday that the idea came from his wife.
"My wife was mimicking the way I play my percussion with my arms flailing and everything. She was near a poster of the Eiffel Tower, took a swing at it and she went 'Bong!'," he said.
Inspired to make music with the monument, Bertolozzi had to overcome practical difficulties, notably his lack of French and the fact he had few contacts in Paris.
He first decided to start small with a composition for New York state's Mid-Hudson suspension bridge. The resulting "Bridge Music" spawned a CD which reached number 18 on the Billboard Classical Crossover Music Chart in 2009.
For the organist and choirmaster whose day job sees him perform at weddings and bar mitzvahs, the tower is an instrument just like any other.
"A guitarist knows the character of each string, one string is wound with metal, another one is maybe gut string, they're thicker, they're thinner, they know how they respond. So when I look at the tower, now more than before, I know how the thing will respond as an instrument," he said.
He says that he has a tendency to bash out rhythms on household objects, citing dinner glasses, doorknobs and dishes as regular targets.
The team have spent nearly two weeks weaving in and out of the tens of thousands of tourists who climb the Eiffel Tower every day.
Most are bemused by Bertolozzi and his entourage of sound technicians and producers, but he had some support on Friday with one pair of visitors improvising a rap to the beat he drummed out on one of the structure's many staircases.
When the work is finished in nine months, Bertolozzi says he dreams of coming back to perform it live at the Eiffel Tower to celebrate its 125th birthday in 2014.
Organisers said the show would require over a hundred musicians with microphones installed all over the iron structure, relaying sounds to the public below.
The tower's managers are still to be convinced, citing possible security concerns.


The Carpet of 34 million dollars

A seventeenth-century Persian carpet sold for a record amount of 33.8 million dollars in New York, on Friday announced the American media.

The carpet was sold after an auction,to  a buyer who decided to keep his identity anonymous.

  Rare artifact belonged to a museum in Washington since 1926, when it was donated by the owner, William Clark, a Montana industrialist and senator.

   carpet sold, along with 24 other carpets more cheaper, will collect funds to the museum   and intends to use to fund its enrichment in the future.

  Before that record sales, more expensive Persian carpet was sold in an auction of 2010 in London, for 9.6 million dollars.


Emergency landing in Fiumicino

The passengers have left the plane with slides

Emergency landing at Fiumicino airport this morning, because of a problem report to the undercarriage of a plane. An airplane of Wizz Air, operating the line Bucharest-Ciampino, about to land at the airport in Rome, asked for an emergency landing in Fiumicino 'cause the track has more' long. The aircraft would not have opened the cart left and 'landing and' just happened with the right main landing gear and an engine. The passengers have left the plane with the slides. There would be three wounded. On-site fire brigade, police, Carabinieri and airport police. The plane 'tilted on one wing.



A Saudi prince: is one of the richest person of the world

A Saudi prince brought a lawsuit against  "Forbes", magazine because of its classification of the richest persons in the world, estimated his wealth "with only" 20 billion dollars.

Prince Alwaleed bin Talal, according to this classification is the 26th   richer person  in the world , but he claims that his real wealth is 30 billion, by inserting himself  in the 10th place in world clasification

  By "underestimated" his wealth by ten billion dollars, the prince will require correction and a compensation order, arguing that "fictitious impoverishment " has damaged his image.

  Bin Talal, who owns huge profits from oil wells in Saudi Arabia, also has shares in some of the largest companies in the world, like "Apple", "Facebook", "Twitter" or  Rupert Murdoch corporation.
Among its many properties including hotels "Savoy" and "Plaza" in New York, as well as a network of hotels "Four Seasons".


In Australia,you pay coffee and with kisses

For June, starting at 09:00 to 11:00 is possible to pay the coffee ... with a kiss. If you pull the idea to fly to Australia, given that strange marketing initiatives being undertaken by grass in Sydney, "Saint James".

Spontaneous question is: Who should  I kiss? Waiters? Owner? Surely not ...

  If  you are in the bar  you can  see that  couple share first kiss together ahead  the waiters, certainly without deceit and here you have finished working with the account. Grass is supposed to promote the initiative with a spot on its website "YouTube", thus becoming in awhile very famous.

  The video shows the streets of Sydney and St.James'   cafe "in the early hours of the morning, with people who enjoy their coffee.

   the waiter  is bringing Two espress coffee  to the table and  says to the couple : "If you want to save the bill you could give a real kiss, because if you cheat discern. I'm a specialist. "After a moment of reluctance other couples  start kissing passionately . And the bartender thrilled shouts: "Free Coffee for all"! Thus began this initiative has stimulated the curiosity of many people.

  Banners premise is: "The bar" Saint James "did not want money, just your kisses." But one question remains unanswered: if you drink coffee  alone , are the waiters or waitresses willing or ready to kiss you?


Consuming fish fights childhood allergies

 A study showed that Children who consume fish  in the first years of their lifes have a probability to be much less affected by allergies in their lifetime,

A group of Swedish scientists conducted a 12-year study, taking into account the diet of several thousand children between the  1-5 years old

  At the end of the study, they found that those who consumed more fish , had a higher tolerance to  the body allergy

  Eczema, a leather irritation is also one of the most common forms of allergy,reduced to 26 the chance of being affected by  this disease to those who have grown up in this way.

  Another factor that diminishes the risk of this diet is the element that causes asthma or allergies to certain species, such as grass or allergy causing pollen of flowers.

  Meanwhile, the risk of being affected by some allergy reduced by 80%.

  However, the study focused on 3285 children, of the Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, failed to identify which is the concrete element, which is to fish, able to raise so sensitive body immunity against allergies.

  According to the study, is sufficient to children 1-5 years of consuming a fish once every two weeks, to take advantage of these excellent results.


Miracle created by bombing

With crystal clear water, sandy beaches and surrounded by cliffs that make shade, one of the island's beaches Marietta happened in Mexico, can easily ranks among the world's most scenic destinations.

  However, contrary to what one might think, is not nature that created this wonderful, "oasis"  but human hand

  In the early 1900s, this remote destination in Western Mexico used by the military as a "shooting table", to heavy-caliber cannons.
 bombed repeatedly, a massive rock was cut out of the mountain and the years melted slowly from the sea, marking the birth of the beach, accessible only by water, by means of small boats.


Albert Einstein ship: lifting off yesterday

It is launched from the Kourou European basis, in  french guiana rocket"Ariane 5", which is located within the small  uncrewed of the European Space Agency, "Albert Einstein", which transports supplies to the International Space Station.

  The  "Einstein"ship  is the fourth Automatic vehicle   issued by Europe after the "Jules Verne" in 2008, "Johannes Kepler" in 2011 and "Edoardo Arnaldi" 2012.

          With a weight of 20 tonnes issue, it is the most serious spaceship ever launched from Europe and holds the largest load ever transported by a ATV-4  ship
The ship is  transporting the Space Station spare parts, materials science experiments, clothes, food, water and oxygen, for a total of 1,400 different objects. Its arrival is scheduled for June 15.


Some people just can,t quit smoking

According to British doctors, there are persons who are unable to quit smoking and these persons are advised to at least reduce the consumption of cigarettes.

Experts think that the best thing is to quit smoking but also agree to the fact that there are people who can not do this.

  As publishes the Daily Mail, Professor Mike Kelly says: "Mark Twain said, to quit smoking is the easiest thing in the world, I've done thousands of times.
  From medical experience  I know  that it is very difficult for some people to quit smoking, but  you can reduce consumption or what you can do is to use electronic cigarettes. "

  "Although the use of licensed products is advisable to nicotine, many people do not like nicotine gum," Kelly added.


. Factors that age the skin of a women

If a woman follows an unhealthy lifestyle, her skin is getting older and it shows her10 years older


In this conclusion has come a study conducted with 585 women in the UK, China and Spain.

  Research has shown that smoking, excessive sun exposure and starvation of fruits impact on the external appearance of a woman.

  Women surveyed were aged 45-75 years. Dr.. Andrew Mayes said: "We knew that many genes affect the appearance, but the study shows that a great importance has also lifestyle. The data were obtained through 10 years and clearly show that a women who eat healthy and do not smoke, look much younger than their peers who smoke and consume no fruit. "


An unusual Letters of couple

A farewell letter of a girl has been clicked on the Internet, with about 1.2 million clicks in three days. It is not known what the couple, but the girl thought for a separate partition.

When detected a betrayal, usually reactions are almost identical: the shouting, quarreling, weeping. Girl anonymous author of the paper, in fact reacted differently, certainly in a more original way.
  The girl bundled clothing, video games, computer, television and distributed in places where it had last couple different moments.

  And behold content of the letter:

"Hello darling

who  left his "Facebook" opened  on the omputer and who got Kelsi? Yes! You! But do not worry, I didn,t break anything.

  actally it was nice enogh to package your things! . And  i even invented a fun game, since I  know you  like  looking  for things (the other girls)! Here are places where you can find our stuff

your clothes are were we first  met for the first time.
 your Video games are where we gave the first kiss.
  Your laptop is where we bought the first video game together.
  Your TV is where we made love for the first time together.

  The rest of your things, including photos that we have done together in these two years are in the Kelsies HOUSE!
  Enjoy! Oh, do not forget! I have nothing broken or damaged, but I don,t take responsibility if someone else has done. Hunt around! "


The human body, molecules, bacteria and viruses

It is known that the human body contains molecules, bacteria and viruses, but never before these latest images like this do not come again, magnified 10 million times and in 3D.

 the first image; stereocilla, a modified form of the molecule that is found in three areas of the human body, one of which is at the bottom of the ear.

In the second picture is captured 3D image of the membrane of a virus inside the human body.

The third picture is kinesine protein, the protein part of the engine.

Fourth photo: hematopoietic stem cells. Of these cells is the origin of all other blood cells.

The fifth picture. A virus that infects and replicates in a bacterium.


Horror on board

Passengers of line of "Singapore Airlines" experienced a real horror  in flight, when their plane fell 20 feet spontaneously and violently when faced with a strong air turbulence.

The incident happened at a time when food is distributed

  Some of the drinks that are distributed by the flight assistants, and ended up at the ceiling.
As a result of this drastic decline, 11 passengers were not kept on the safety belt , a staff member were injured.
Chaotic collapse occurred while the "Airbus" was in  the landing stage, all the injured were assisted immediately after landing at the airport "Heathrow" in London.


Rat eats cat food

A cat was fascinated and frightened seeing her daily food  acquired  by a mouse.

  Once the rat entered in the house by accident, the owner of the cat  released  a video and some moments of this "fun  meeting"

  As might be expected, the adult cat  ,  is being terrified and hiding from the small mouse.
Only at one point, the cat managed the situation to isolate the hem of a rodent wall, but the latter managed to escape without any "scratch", from the apartment in which it seems to have come attracted by the smell of cat food.


Other photos "hot" ,the Israeli soldiers

Photo Series of the "hottest" of Israeli soldiers who initially posted on social networks and then occupy front pages and gossip magazines worldwide, continues.

  Noise caused by the first published pictures of four girls recruits responded with two other published photos on Facebook again by "crazy" Israeli military leaders who earlier criticized their actions.

Learn more »


Feminine desire, just as it masculine

A new book reveals many things about women's sexuality, making us realize that in this aspect even  the civilized societies are not sufficiently clear.

 a Book of journalist Daniel Bergner 'What Women Want' (What women want) explains that studies on female sexuality are influenced by stereotypes and cultural ideals are warped in desire and sexual life of women.

  Bergner has found that female sexuality is identical to that of  men: is  greedy and animalistic.

"Some qualities that society traditionally ascribed to women as better alignment with monogamy, . romanticism etc. are fairy tales, "Bergner writes.

  He also adds: "The idea that women are passive and men are the initiators of the sexual act is not true either in humans or animals."

  "Society has added  a shame sexuality of women and therefore women are submissive and passive," writes Daniel Bergner American.


Google leads wi-fi in Africa and Asia

Colossussee of technology increasingly towards emerging markets. After smart phones and tablets of  'low cost', launched especially for some countries,the interest has turned to infrastructure.

A very original idea comes from Google, which wants to lead wi-fi system in Africa and Asia, aiming to attract a new audience of millions of users.

  Company based in 'Mountain View' is committed to the United States in the "Fiber", by which is resulting in some cities, such as Kansas City and Austin in Texas, ultra wide band.

  According to recent reports, the "Wall Street Journal" Big G ​​is making alliance with local authorities sub-Saharan Africa and south-east Asia to help,their  finance, building and managing a wireless networks with the help of  aerostatics cannons  .

  The company will utilize a network of half suspended in air, without the need of plants and cables connected to a network or  Android smartphone low cost, based on the chip with low consumption. To achieve signal spreading even farther, however, should be used television frequencies.


"1998 QE2" mini-moon asteroid

Tonight at 22:59 asteroid "1998 QE2" with a diameter of 2.7 kilometers, will shear the Earth at a distance of 5.8 million kilometers, or otherwise at a distance 15 times greater than the Moon.

  Its passage poses no threat to our planet, but it is a perfect opportunity for scientists of these "small worlds" to provide more accurate data.

  Space scientists and researchers say that "in 1998 QE2" classified among the largest asteroids revolve around the Earth and is regularly seen at other times, however surprises just arrived two days ago, asteroid has its natural satellite.

  On 29 May, Goldstone Evpatoria radio telescope in California will discover a body diameter around 70 meters that revolved around an asteroid in about the same time interval. This is the second discovery. In 1993 probe "Galileo" asteroid discovered that "Ida" was a mini-moon to revolve around him periodically and scientists today believe that about 16 percent of asteroids have a mini-satellite that revolves around them natural.


Love man-tiger

As part of the Buddhist 
philosophy of a complete harmony with nature living creatures, an important place of meditation, tolerance and love for other species. 

  However, in a Buddhist monastery in Kanchanaburi, Thailand, this love has passed all bounds, while monks fill their time raising and taking care of the tigers.

  Over 100 tigers living within the walls of the monastery, in harmony with the monks, to ensure that mammals are also at all times to feed and enjoy.

  These are just some of the indelible images, a British photographer managed to take while visiting the monastery.


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