A woman hit by stroke, awakened as painter

  Hit by stroke, saves and paints for the first time at the age of 90 years by making a masterpiece. This is a proof of the miracles of the human brain, especially to people who suffer from gray matter pathology and recover as soon discover their artistic talents. The last case was recorded on a 90-year-old American who spent a year ago, two stroke (stroke) that initially touched one hemisphere of the brain and then another. After the treatment period, 90-year-old American with surname Nelson returned to her home where she lives along with two grandchildren.The disease she could not talk anymore and the doctors declare that it has lost forever the ability to understand and spoken words. Her grandson, Casey Nelson says the grandmother is sometimes shocked and angry, so much so often do not recognize.

But the strange behavior of her artistic spirit is added.
In the rehabilitation center, it has an interest in painting and the work presented there is seen a masterpiece of landscape autumn landscape.Pictures has surprised all the staff of the center, but more grandchildren and relatives of 90-year-old to ever say their grandmother has shown interest in art, and even more so for painting.

90-year-old is not the first person to commit art survives after severe problems in the brain. Medical reports have not recorded a handful of cases.
Some of these patients after recovery have come to understand that know different musical instruments such as piano or guitar, others are dedicated to painting, as the case in question.Neurologists have tried to explain these transformations, but have never been able to fully understand what causes them. From research all these years is just noticed that damage to the part of the brain responsible for speech soul artist born patients.


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