Quite smoking with The Help Of Eft

Our Feelings Are What Controls Our Behavior

Every day we all experience a complete range of feelings and emotions, and for the most part these feelings go hand in hand with whatever emotion is being expressed at that time.. This is nothing new, this has been going on sense the beginning of time..
However when a person smokes their mind starts linking the activity of smoking with whatever feeling is being experienced at the moment they light up a cigarette.. So over time all of their feelings and all of their emotions end up automatically being linked with the act of smoking, until in the end the mind cannot do one without the other...

Thus every time you light up a smoke you are creating new links and bonds with whatever emotion you have at that time. So if you happen to be angry, happy or under stress the mind links the action of smoking with these feelings.
This explains why when you are under stress you instantly reach for a smoke. Your mind has previously linked smoking and stress together, so when under stress it tells you to run and light up a smoke.
At the same time these links are also being bonded to the activities being carried out, such as having a smoke with a cup of coffee, or after a meal, or when driving a car... In the end the mind cannot do one without the other so it HAS to instruct you to light up a smoke as it has no other choice.

Quit Smoking Cigarettes With The Help Of Eft. Release The Hold That Smoking Has On Your Life. Become A Non Smoker And Save Hundreds Of Dollars A Year. Eft Scripts Release The Cravings And Negative Emotions Which Prevent You From Quitting Cigarettes.

The Perfect Program Of EFT Scripts

What you need is a program of scripts dedicated and designed just for smokers, but more importantly you want scripts created by someone who understands smoking..
I previously smoked up to 2 packets of smokes a day for 20 years; So I know exactly how a smoker feels and thinks, and it was this that has enabled me to create the most successful program of quit smoking scripts available anywhere today.
When you think about it only an X Smoker could have created such a successful program of scripts.. The last thing anyone needs is for someone who has never smoked a day in their life trying to come up with a program of EFT Scripts.
This is why this program is so successful; This EFT Program is the ONLY Program of its kind available that has been developed by smokers for smokers. This program was created over an 18 month period with over 6 months live exposure to real smokers, and during this time over 120 Full Length EFT Scripts were created just for smokers.

Will I Need All 120 Scripts?
NO you don't have to tap to every script in this program, in fact you might find you only need a small portion of these scripts to quit. However the scripts in this program dont just cover smoking, there are so many scripts covering many areas of day to day life, such as financial problems, weight gain, stress, .... the list goes on and on...
Because this program covers so many other areas of your life you will find that you will want to continue tapping to all the scripts in the program, even after you have quit smoking...
This Is Why This Is Not just a Quit Smoking Program: "Its a life changing event"



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