Exhaustion: teen dies while working over 15 hours a day

Living in an era where life has become increasingly intense pressures and flows always bigger is not beneficial to health.

Although statistics are not clear, the number of people who die as a result of fatigue or stress at work, seems to be increased dramatically in recent decades.

  Finally, a 24-year-old named Li Yuan, employed in an advertising company, died after months of working 15 hours a day.

  While exhaustion was akomulua day after day, with Yuan to be working every day from eight o'clock in the morning until 11 pm, not counting the time involved in transport work, the young man's heart stopped while he was on a stack shkeseash in his office in Beijing.

  Li was associated with emergency hospital, but there he was confirmed dead on arrival.

  Excellent economic growth of China in recent decades, has driven more and more Chinese to try to take advantage of the opportunity presented to gather as much income for their lives.

  With a flourishing economy, many people refuse to work two jobs or long hours.

  Consequently, it is believed that China has passed Japan to the number of deaths related to stress or fatigue to work with such 600 thousand per year.

  From time doctors warn that the human body is not able to afford to work with such a prolonged time, especially when well trimmed hours sleep, but unfortunately, it seems that a change does not appear imminent in this regard.


DNA, shows that we are all African

Tests of advanced DNA that have undergone recent archaeological discoveries show that all human races descended from the African continent.

Tracing the human genome in 2003 and hundreds of voluntary testing DNA, enabled researchers claim that already have a physical test (so far believed theoretically) to believe that all "are Africans".

Analysis of DNA obtained from hundreds of people from all continents who have expressed a desire to become part of the study, showed a genetic sequence associated with Africa. Put in simple terms, all persons tested had a great-great-great-grandfather ... African.

  DNA collected from volunteers were compared for similarities and common sekuences . the DNA of the human fossil found in Ethiopia, Kenya, Tanzania and South Africa. Some of these fossils show that before "birth" of Homo sapiens, the Earth was inhabited by other species, similar to humans.


A fortunate in the United States of America won 590 million dollars,

A fortunate in the United States of America won 590 million dollars, more record in the history of the national lottery "Powerball"'s.

U.S. media this Sunday informed that the winner is a citizen of a small town in the state of Florida.

At least, so it is believed that the tickets being taught that winning is only sold in Zephyrhills, a town with a population of 10 thousand inhabitants.

The winner is not present to receive his winnings.

  42 of the 51 U.S. states participating in the national lottery after lottery nine others are still considered illegal.

The winning numbers, lottery out Saturday were 10, 13, 14, 22 and 55, the number joker 11.

Luckiest, already a multimillionaire, also becomes the winner of the largest amount known to any lottery in the world.


The poorest President in the world.

IS Called Jose 'Pepe' Mujica, President of Uruguay, otherwise known as the president of the poorest country in the world.

Mujica, 78, a member of the armed group Tupamaros in the 60s and president of 2010, is known for more than modest life style.

  He owns only a "Volkswagen" old and lives with his wife, Senator Lucia Topolansky, in a small farm on the outskirts of Montevideo.

Uruguayan President has become famous for the official residence opened the doors to the homeless, to be protected from the cold during the winter.

Also, in case of need he has made available for vagrants and a presidential palace Suarez y Reyes.

  Last May 24, a mother and her child were the first to benefit from the generosity of the head of state, although they were later found one another disposition.

Mujica has entered the presidential residence in a list of public buildings to be used in emergencies, because in the winter of 2011 by five homeless died from the cold.

Also, it retains only 10 percent of the salary of 800 euros, giving them rest movements or organizations that help the poor. Perhaps his example should take other leaders of the worldwho despite the poverty of the population live in modern homes and traveling.in luxury vehicles



New York, service "taxi" also includes substances

Almost everyone is going to be ordering food by phone home every few times, but in New York, the service "taxi" is able to include narcotics.
Network was "CNN", he who informed on Friday 
that this unusual practice was exposed by undercover police agents, who arrested in flagrante distributor of substances.

Trafficker, really a pizza delivery men, had created his own parallel network, offering customers the option of home delivery of doses of cocaine or marijuana.

Clients must first Gloss pizza pizza near where 45-year-old Ramon Rodriguez was employed, by calling parallel distributors, looking to the desired dose.

From this practice, Rodriguez had amassed a personal fortune of at least 45 thousand dollars.

However, his good fortune ended when undercover police asked him to send them home doses of cocaine.

Instead of taking the money back to the distribution of realized Rodriguezit was handcuffed, ending the practice profitable.



Random meetings in a subway love

Random meetings in the metro, which later turned into the classic romance films are classic scenarios. In real life, hardly the chance to wrestle again with the same person you flirting for a few seconds or minutes in a subway, almost zeroed the following options when it comes to urban capitals with millions of inhabitants.

   But given a second chance he thought "Ropid", the company that manages the metro network in the Czech capital, Prague. It announced the launch of a special lines, only to persons "singel". Several carriages of each train will be reserved only for single persons and the environment will be adapted in such a way to break the ice first recognition.

Single people can exchange phone numbers, to offer one another coffee or tea, certainly compared to the same charge, it subway ticket.

The special initiative is expected to enter into force on the first day of 2014 and according to Czech media aims to attract people to use public transport in general and in particular metro. However, what remains unclear is the fact that as will be proved that the person who falls into the category "single" is such.


A Saudi woman to reach Mt Everest

a Saudi woman has left its mark in history by reaching the top of the highest mountain in the world. Moharrak Raha, 25 years, not only become the first Saudi woman to attempt to climb Mount Everest, but the woman who reached his peak.

It is part of an expedition consisting of four persons, among whom the first man and the first Qatari Palestinians trying to reach the highest peak on the planet.

  They are trying to collect $ 1 million for educational projects in Nepal. Originally from Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, Moharrak graduated from the University of Dubai, where he currently lives.

"Given that comes from an Islamic country, where women's rights are severely restricted, she had to pass a number of hurdles to achieve her goal", showed the 25-year-old friends.

A biography published on the website of the expedition shows that "Moharrak attempt to convince her family to climb Everest was a major challenge as the mountain itself, but now they support."

While the protagonist himself said: "I do not care that I'm the first, as long as it inspires someone to be second."


U.S. Department of Defense has approved the use of mobile "Samsung

U.S. Department of Defense has approved the use of mobile "Samsung" with a secure version of Android for its employees.

Approval is only the beginning of a regularities that would entail the use of different types of mobile phones for different categories of soldiers.

  Approval for the use of other Android variants, such as mobile "Apple" and tablets, will be reached later in May.

  To date, the manufacturer of phones "Blackberry" was the only company whose products can be used by military personnel of the United States.

  Approval phones "LG" was the first step of a strategy that will enable soldiers using different types of devices, such as smartphones and tablets, during working hours.

  According to the spokesman of DAM, this approval means that groups of employees of the department can buy technological objects according to their needs.

  The U.S. Defense Department has about 600 thousand users of phones "intelligent", about 470 thousand of which use receptors "Blackberry".

In parallel with this there will be a security system to manage electronic devices and their applications. While contracts with companies that provide services is signed.
To date, the receptors "Blackberry" have dominated the ranks of the U.S. military after being the only manufacturer to meet the security conditions required by the Pentagon.


A woman hit by stroke, awakened as painter

  Hit by stroke, saves and paints for the first time at the age of 90 years by making a masterpiece. This is a proof of the miracles of the human brain, especially to people who suffer from gray matter pathology and recover as soon discover their artistic talents. The last case was recorded on a 90-year-old American who spent a year ago, two stroke (stroke) that initially touched one hemisphere of the brain and then another. After the treatment period, 90-year-old American with surname Nelson returned to her home where she lives along with two grandchildren.The disease she could not talk anymore and the doctors declare that it has lost forever the ability to understand and spoken words. Her grandson, Casey Nelson says the grandmother is sometimes shocked and angry, so much so often do not recognize.

But the strange behavior of her artistic spirit is added.
In the rehabilitation center, it has an interest in painting and the work presented there is seen a masterpiece of landscape autumn landscape.Pictures has surprised all the staff of the center, but more grandchildren and relatives of 90-year-old to ever say their grandmother has shown interest in art, and even more so for painting.

90-year-old is not the first person to commit art survives after severe problems in the brain. Medical reports have not recorded a handful of cases.
Some of these patients after recovery have come to understand that know different musical instruments such as piano or guitar, others are dedicated to painting, as the case in question.Neurologists have tried to explain these transformations, but have never been able to fully understand what causes them. From research all these years is just noticed that damage to the part of the brain responsible for speech soul artist born patients.


Hurricane on the planet saturn

Space probe "Cassini", arrived in orbit of Saturn in 2004, brought images of a super hurricane recorded in the northern pole of the planet.

Eye of the storm, according to the researchers, the diameter is about two thousand miles. Photos are fired from "Cassini" at a distance of 420 thousand kilometers. Scientists said the storm winds go up to 150 meter per second.

Hurricane is caught in its advanced stage and is not yet known when it is formed and as long as this hurricane will be active.Surveillance north pole of Saturn has been impossible until 2004, after his arrival in the "Cassini", the pole was covered by darkness, rather it was "winter season" on planet earth needs for 29 years perform a full rotation around the sun and cycle to meet "the four seasons".These are the first images of the day fired from the northern pole of the planet, since 1981 when "Voyager-2" flashed some photos while passing the "accident" near Saturn.

_"Shkrepëm two photos when we saw the phenomenon for more resembled a terrestrial hurricane, only that its dimensions were many times larger. It is set in the atmosphere of Saturn hidrogjentë and we think it contains small amounts of evaporated water, "said Andrew Ingersoll, a member of the team of scientists to probe" Cassini "based on the California Institute of Technology.Researchers think that the "journey" of the hurricane will be the center of the north pole of Saturn, the same tendency that the hurricanes have formed on Earth.This is the second time the "Cassini" brings images of a hurricane from Saturn. In 2006, the probe sent to earth footage of a hurricane even greater. But these images were not very clear due to darkness at the northern pole of the planet.


Aircraft that goes by means of solar energy

Solar Impulse, the first aircraft that operates entirely on solar energy, successfully performed a 18-hour trip from California to Arizona.
Phoenix was the first leg of the flight, which will lead plane, run by a Swiss pilot, across the United States without using fuel, but only energy from sunlight.

"It took a lot of preparation and an enormous commitment on the first flight. We have time to work on this thing and I do not believe that the first part ended, "said Bertrand Piccard, pilot.

Piccard adventurer touched down about midnight, and this is another of the Solar Impulse particular, the fact that using solar energy can fly as day and night
   Flight from Northern California was conducted at an average speed of 49 kilometers per hour. Piccard and copilot, Andre Borshberg plan to divide tasks making long stops in Phoenix, Dallas, St. Louis and Washington, before the final landing in New York next month.

The aircraft in question has wings of a 747 passenger plane, but the weight of an average car. He collects the sun's energy and stores in a battery, which enables even during night flights.

  But the greatest speed he can reach, since only 70 miles per hour, makes the necessary stops.


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